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Рецепт салата со свежей капустой и копченой колбасой “Лакомка”

Сообщений 1 страница 5 из 5



1.Капуста белокочанная 300 гр.
2.Колбаса сырокопченая или копчено-вареная 120 гр.
3.Морковь 1 шт.
4.Зеленый горошек консервированный 200 гр.
5.Зеленый лук пучок
8.Перец черный молотый


1.Капусту тонко нашинковать.
2.Морковь натереть на крупной терке.
3.Колбасу нарезать тонкой соломкой.
4.Зеленый лук нарезать тоненькими колечками.
5.Соединить все ингредиенты, добавить зеленый горошек, посолить, поперчить, заправить салат майонезом.



Hello! Should you require web scraping services, I'd gladly offer my assistance.
As a skilled professional in this domain, I possess the expertise and necessary tools to deliver swift and precise results.
This can aid you in deciding wisely and growing your business.
Feel free to get in touch with me for any of your data scraping needs..
Iterative Content Crawling



Greetings! Should you require data harvesting services, I'd willingly
offer my assistance. Being proficient in this domain, I
possess the knowledge and essential tools to deliver swift and precise results.
This can aid you in making well-informed decisions and growing
your enterprise. Feel free to get in touch with me for assistance with
web scraping.. Real-time Data Parsing



Greetings! If you need web scraping services, I'd gladly offer my assistance.
Being proficient in this domain, I possess the knowledge and essential tools
to provide fast and accurate data extraction. This can aid you in deciding wisely and expanding your enterprise.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with me for assistance with
web scraping.. Inclusive Data Extraction



Hello! If you need data harvesting services, I'd gladly help you out.
Being proficient in this domain, I possess the
expertise and necessary tools to provide fast and accurate data
extraction. This can aid you in deciding wisely
and growing your business. Don't hesitate to get in touch with
me for any of your data scraping needs.. Dynamic Content


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